Singapore Company Incorporation Cost & Pricing Guide

Incorporating a company in Singapore requirements can vary depending on various factors, including the type of business structure, the services you require, and any additional compliance needs. Here’s a general cost and pricing guide for company incorporation in Singapore:

  1. ACRA Fees:
    • ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) charges fees for the registration and filing of various documents. The cost of incorporating a company with ACRA typically ranges from SGD 315 to SGD 665, depending on the type of company.
  2. Company Name Reservation:
    • To reserve a company name, there is a fee of SGD 15, which is non-refundable.
  3. Company Secretary Fees:
    • Appointing a company secretary is a mandatory requirement. The cost of company secretary services can vary based on the complexity of your business and the service provider. It can range from SGD 300 to SGD 800 or more annually.
  4. Registered Office Address:
    • Maintaining a registered office address is required. The cost depends on the location and whether you choose a physical office or a registered address service. It can range from SGD 600 to SGD 2,000 or more per year.
  5. Professional Firm Fees:
    • Many businesses engage professional firms specializing in company incorporation services. These firms offer packages that may include ACRA registration, company secretary services, and other compliance requirements. The cost of these services can vary widely based on the package and service provider. Basic packages may start from SGD 800 to SGD 1,500.
  6. Additional Permits and Licenses:
    • Depending on your business activities, you may require specific permits or licenses. The cost of these permits can vary widely, with some costing a few hundred dollars, while others may require more substantial fees.
  7. Tax and Accounting Services:
    • Accounting and tax services are essential for ongoing compliance. Costs vary based on the complexity of your financial transactions and reporting requirements. Accounting services may start from SGD 1,000 to SGD 5,000 per year.
  8. Annual Filing Fees:
    • ACRA requires annual filings, and the costs for these filings can range from SGD 60 to SGD 600 or more, depending on your company’s size and activities.
  9. Bank Account Opening:
    • While not a direct incorporation cost, you will need to open a corporate bank account, and some banks may have account opening fees or minimum balance requirements.

It’s important to note that these costs are approximate and can vary based on your specific business needs and the service providers you choose. The level of services you require, the number of shareholders and directors, and the complexity of your business structure can all impact the overall cost of company incorporation in Singapore.

Before proceeding, it’s advisable to consult with professional service providers to get a clear understanding of the total costs involved in your specific case and to ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements.

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